User guide To assess Gillick competence

To assess Gillick competence for a child with no consent response:

  1. From the session page for a school go to the Check consent responses page.
Screenshot of the check consent responses page.
  1. Find the child in either the No response, Consent refused, or Conflicts tab.
  2. Click on the name of the child who’s asked to be vaccinated.
  3. Scroll down the page and click on Assess Gillick competence.
  4. Make your assessment using the relevant radio buttons.

If the child is assessed as Gillick competent, you still need to add a consent response:

  1. Scroll to the Consent response section on the child’s record and click on Get consent response.
Screenshot of selecting a Gillick competent child.
  1. Select Child (Gillick competent).
  2. Follow the consent flow.
  3. Confirm answers by selecting Save changes.