User guide Managing vaccines

Screenshot of vaccines page.

To add a vaccine batch:

  1. From the dashboard, go to Vaccines.
  2. Find the relevant vaccine type and select Add a new batch.
  3. Enter the batch ID and expiry date, then click on Add batch.

To edit a batch:

  1. From the dashboard, go to Vaccines.
  2. Find the relevant vaccine type and batch ID and select Change.
  3. Make your edits and save the changes.

Archiving a batch will remove it from the list of vaccines available to nurses when recording vaccinations. To archive a batch:

  1. From the dashboard, go to Vaccines.
  2. Find the relevant vaccine type and batch ID and select Archive.
  3. Once you’ve confirmed this action, you cannot undo it.

All batches need to be manually archived. This doesn’t happen automatically.